The largest and best tattoo design collections online

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  • Tattoos are one of the ancient popular legacies that circulated in various human societies throughout the ages, and it is considered an integral part of people's daily life at the time because it enters into various fields of treatment, pride and decoration, and it can also be considered one of the special ways of decoration and beautification of men and women in the past and in the modern era. .

    Women say that it is an alternative to ornaments such as necklaces, bracelets and anklets, because there are different shapes, many of which are of superior geometric shapes for photography, shapes of flowers, trees and winds, and some of them also include the shapes of the zodiac, planets, crescent moon, and arc, and ankle tattoos are often enriched with different decorative patterns, and stand out for what distinguishes It has Islamic art in terms of avoiding the automatic repetition of shapes. The esthetics of tattooing as an art form lies in the coordination of lines and shapes. The designs are based on consistency and geometric integration, as well as accuracy and simplicity in expression.

    Tattoos are also used to prevent envy and envious looks, as well as nervous and mental illnesses. Mothers often have their children tattooed on prominent areas of the body, such as the face. Symbols and writings.

    Anthropological and psychological history

    Tattoos go back to a very ancient history. Thus, anthropologists believe that the tattoos with which rural people decorate their hands, chest, lips and face, do not come from the absurd days of these teachers, but they come from a time when people lived in a primitive life, where some animals were revered and feared. Some aspects of nature, such as waves, wind, rain and thunder. All this leads us to the fact that tattoos appeared in totemic societies, which consisted of small tribes and clans, each of which had its own totem, that is, a species of animal or plant or one of the aspects of nature with which that clan is associated and which it uses as a symbol for itself.

    Sometimes the symbol is a form of geometric shapes or a group of lines that contain nothing of the image of the totem, but are used as a symbol for it. Some parts of the animal or plant itself can be used as a totem symbol. In some clans it symbolizes the totem of the clan itself. In our time, the image of the bear symbolizes Russia and the image of the rooster symbolizes France... Thus, each totem clan is distinguished by a particular symbol, and also what it possesses and what is related to it is distinguished by everything that goes beyond its domain. Thus, we see the totem symbol of the clan on the bodies of its members, their clothes, their headscarves, their weapons, their tents, the coffins of their dead, their graves and the animals and objects that they possess.

    And since the members of the clan share with their totem its essence, they also share in its sacredness, for each of them was considered represented in some way. This sacredness is found in all parts of the body and its components, but it is most evident in the human blood and hair in the eyes of these clans. Therefore, blood and hair were among the most commonly used human elements in these rituals and primitive religious rites of these clans.

    Therefore, when the image of the totem was printed on the body of the person whose totem was to mingle with it, the blood had to come out to mingle with it physically and morally, with the qualities and things we have mentioned, and it was from here that the habit of drawing first arose.

    This and the individual totem still has many legacies in modern times. Among Christian peoples, the individual chooses his protector from among the apostles or saints. Among some European peoples, it was customary for the family to have 

    And it was not just about tattoos then. On beautification only, but it was also a therapeutic means to cure some diseases, how much it was thought in those days that it prevents envy, and the triangular unit that is still used today in the form of a veil, as well as the spell called (five and five) is just the rest of the beliefs popularity in the distant past. The palm tree, which is an ancient Egyptian symbol of fertilization, production and abundance, the fish symbolizes the abundance and wealth of offspring, and the green sparrow was taken by the Egyptians as a symbol of goodness, fertility and life.

    In addition to its decorative function and social symbols, the tattoo also has medicinal benefits, although it combines types of natural folk remedies used by different peoples in ancient times and myths and legends that have permeated them and prevailed for centuries, sometimes without meaning and in many cases involving the absurd. from the neighborhood. It is also said to help against nervous disorders, especially when tattooed on the feet, ankles, around the knees, on the shoulder and back or over the forehead or near the temple. For a very simple shape, such as a circular tattoo, anyone with a light hand can perform the procedure.

    And from the experience of one of the ancient tattooed women, she used to work with needles that took the form of three to seven needles, which they connected with a bead or paste and tightened with a thread, and then deliberately extinguished the needles with soot or charcoal, and taking into account in the process of tattooing away from the arteries, and the tattooed person should avoid water until the blood dries up, The process begins with rapid strokes that cause great and unbearable pain, and amid the cries of the tattooed person repeats words to relieve his pain, and relies on the bluish green to blur the tips of the needles with the bitterness of the rooster, and he prefers the gentle birds in it, or with the milk of the woman to give luster and beauty to the woman's skin. The tattoo takes the image of the disease and represents it in a precise way, hitting the affected organ.

    One of the tattooed showed a large tattoo on the head area in the form of a circular map embroidered with dots, and when asked about the reason, he replied, "I suffered from migraine born with severe pain in the head, so my mother tattooed me with this tattoo on the pain area in the head at that time." After that, I was completely cured of it."

    Some "tattooed" people still exist in Egypt, and most of them are farewell thugs and cup readers who belong to the gypsy tribes. They roam the cities and villages of Egypt, especially in Upper Egypt, where people are simply looking for customers, and most Egyptians still believe that the best time to get a tattoo is August. most Egyptians still believe that the best time to get a tattoo is August and September, and the image of the fish (i.e., the woman) dominates the phenomenon of tattooing in Egypt as a symbol of fertility and protection.

    Tattoos are accessories and treatment

    In the daily life of some tribes still living in the forests and jungles of Latin America and Africa with the extension of the rivers Samiezi and Nile, the magician of the tribe was his doctor, as he performed ritual tattoos in the places of the human body where diseases occurred, from which the members of the community suffered, etc. These tribes believe that tattoos are a shield against diseases and a repellent for demons that invade the human body and cause it pain. Therefore, tattoos are the opposite force, as they create a physical balance between good and evil.

    The ancient Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant tattooed the face and the sides of the head in case of headache, and also the back, hands and feet in case of pain in the spine or in the joints of the limbs, so that this phenomenon can still be observed in the countryside and the valley of Iraq, where one of the people familiar with the affairs of (traditional medicine) puts tattoos on the pain spots of the patient's body, and it is called in the local dialect (dakka), and one sees the same phenomenon in Upper Egypt and some desert regions in North Africa.

    It is worth mentioning that the tattoos in Upper Egypt still retain their ancient character. The tattoos in Upper Egypt are characterized by the fact that the lower lip is all green and the chin has a drawing that extends from the lip to the bottom of the chin. The Egyptian girl puts them as a kind of embellishment and decoration, as found on some Egyptian mummies. Old. So the modern Egyptian girl from Upper Egypt kept putting this drawing on her chin, not knowing that this was an ancient Egyptian habit from thousands of years ago.